Congratulations Brian Bushway for 29.8+ million views as part of X Ambassadors’ Renegades! Watch the video on the following link: YouTube Video


“Echolocation” is a technique used by some blind people to navigate their world. The technique involves producing “clicking” noises with the tongue that bounce off objects in the environment and helps the visually impaired create a mental image of where these objects are located. It’s the same “sonar” technique that is used in nature by bats, dolphins and porpoises to navigate a path.

Watch the BBC video: ‘Teenville’

BBC: ‘Teenville’ -B. Bushway

Watch the Discovery channel video: You Can’t Lick Your Own Elbow

Discovery – You Can’t Lick Your Own Elbow.

Full Frame: Clicking a path. Watch the video on the following link: YouTube

Full Frame: Clicking a path. Watch the video on the following link: YouTube


Watch Discovery Channel – BLIND VISION Here: YouTube

Watch A Blind Review of ‘Bind’ Here: YouTube

Watch CNN Video about Brian Bushway

CNN – Brian Bushway


Contact Brian through message or any of the following contact channels:

+1 (310) 666 – 2775

©Copyright 2020 Brian Bushway All Rights Reserved